Evaluations for Children & Adolescents

We provide comprehensive evaluations of complex diagnostic issues for children, adolescents, and young adults who are still in school.
The Stixrud Group serves children as young as two, adolescents, and young adults. Individuals in this age range are referred for neuropsychological evaluations for a variety of reasons, including difficulty with:
- Attention, concentration, impulse control, and/or motoric overactivity
- Organization, time management, and task completion
- Understanding and/or producing spoken language
- Short and long-term memory
- Reading, writing, or math
- Success in school, including test performance, following directions, or demonstrating mastery of the curriculum
- Broad developmental delays
- Social understanding and functioning
- Emotional functioning, including depression or anxiety
- Behavior at home or in school
The causes of these problems can include, but are not limited to:
- Learning disabilities
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Language disorders
- Psychiatric and psychological disorders
- Traumatic brain injury (mild [concussion] to severe)
- Brain disorders, including seizure disorders (Epilepsy)
- Genetic disorders or health conditions that can affect the brain
- Sleep disorders

Assessments for this age group typically are scheduled as a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. The reasons for this are explained in the FAQ section of this webpage. Our Client Care Manager will speak at length with the client (if this is a young adult) or the parents to determine their concerns, needs, and goals for evaluation. In addition, they often consult with our neuropsychologists to determine what specific testing is needed.
In addition to the comprehensive evaluation, several options are available:
- If social cognition and functioning are an area of concern, additional components may be added to the comprehensive assessment, including tests of social cognition and an extended developmental interview.
- If emotional functioning and behavior are an area of concern, additional components may be added to the comprehensive assessment, including objective measures (questionnaires), projective testing, and an in-depth interview.
- For families who are not certain about the need for a neuropsychological evaluation, it is possible to arrange a consultation with one of our psychologists. Consultations include a record review and a meeting with the psychologist. At the end of the consultation, the family and psychologist will develop general recommendations for intervention, which may include further testing.
To inquire about our services or to schedule an intake interview with a Client Care Manager, please call our main number at (301) 565-0534.

Want to learn more? Read our frequently asked questions.
If you’re looking for more information about what kind of care could be right for you, this is a good place to start.